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Your Essential Move-Out Cleaning Checklist

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Moving out of your current home or apartment can be an exciting but challenging time. One of the most important steps is getting everything moved out and getting the space back to its original glory. 

This may require more effort from some of us than others. If that statement relates to you at all, you’ll want to make sure to follow our move-out cleaning checklist. 

Move-Out Cleaning List: 5 Necessary Steps 

Here are five of the most important things you’ll want to do before handing over the keys. 

1. Remove All Nails and Patch Holes

Take down all your pictures, shelving, and anything you’ve added to the home to observe the condition of the walls. You may not realize how many holes you’ve created until you take everything down. 

Your landlord will charge you to repair this so you can save a little of your deposit by patching any holes you find. 

2. Clean out Cabinets and Cupboards

Empty your cabinets completely and be sure to wipe them down. Use a mild cleaning solution and a sponge or cloth to remove any dirt, stains, or residue. Don’t forget to clean the shelves, handles, and knobs thoroughly. Pay extra attention to the refrigerator, oven, and dishwasher, ensuring they are cleaned inside and out.

3. Sweep, Vacuum, and Mop Everywhere

We all know to clean the floors when we move out but how in-depth do we go? We recommend moving furniture and appliances and cleaning underneath them as well. 

Depending on how many years you’ve lived in your home, food particles and dust may have built up and your landlord can use that as leverage when it comes time to collect your deposit. 

4. Consider Repainting Certain Areas

While repainting may not always be necessary, it’s worth considering if your walls have noticeable scuffs, stains, or marks that cannot be easily removed. Check with your landlord or refer to your lease agreement to determine if you’re responsible for repainting.

5. Leave Nothing Behind That Doesn’t Belong 

Before you close the door for the last time, make sure you haven’t left anything that wasn’t there when you moved in. Make sure you check all closets, attics, crawl spaces, drawers, and outdoor areas to ensure you’ve left everything clean and empty. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

If you’ve checked off everything in the moving-out cleaning checklist, here are a few extra things we may not have touched on. 

How Long Does a Move-Out Cleaning Take?

We would recommend that you start cleaning and preparing to move as soon as possible. Give yourself at least one week to pack up and clean. If you’re in a hurry, our services typically take three to four hours.

What is Included in a Move-Out Cleaning?

A move-out cleaning typically involves deep cleaning of the entire property. This includes cleaning walls, floors, windows, appliances, cabinets, cupboards, bathrooms, and any other areas that were part of your lease agreement. 

What to Clean When Moving Out of My Apartment?

It’s important to clean everything but of course, each landlord is different. Some have very high expectations while others do not. Determine the level of cleanliness necessary by how the space looked when you moved in. 

Why Hire Calgary Trusted Cleaners? 

This all sounds like a lot of work doesn’t it? That’s why you should hire Calgary Trusted Cleaners for your moving-in and moving-out cleaning needs. We have the expertise and results necessary to ensure you get your security deposit back. 

Don’t forget about carpets either. Excess staining on carpets will chew up your deposit so be sure to get a professional carpet cleaning service if needed.

Learn more about our move-out cleaning services today!

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Our Location & Coverage

We offer comprehensive cleaning services across Calgary and the surrounding southern Alberta area! We provide residential and commercial cleaning in Airdrie, Bearspaw, Calgary, Chestermere, Cochrane, Okotoks, Priddis, and Strathmore. 

Book online now and discover how we can help your space shine.

Calgary Trusted Cleaners serves Airdrie, Bearspaw, Calgary, Chestermere, Cochrane, Okotoks, Priddis, and Strathmore.

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  • Calgary, AB

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