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Removing Tough Carpet Stains: Wine, Ink, and Pet Accidents

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Carpet stains are a risk that come with living a full life in a comfortable space.

With the proper approach, tough stains like red wine, ink, and pet accidents can be removed. DIY solutions include blotting the stain with a cloth, and gradually lifting the stain with agents like baking soda, vinegar, or alcohol. 

The right method for removal depends on the type of stain and how fresh it is. To make the removal process easier, it’s best to tackle stains while they’re new. Older stains may require professional assistance.

Before Tackling Tough Stains

The colour of your carpet plays a role in the cleaning process. Light carpets may show stains more visibly but aren’t as susceptible to discolouration if treated harshly. In contrast, dark carpets can hide stains better but are more prone to discolouration if improper techniques are used.

Sometimes, despite our best efforts, some stains refuse to budge, or the affected area is too large for a DIY approach. Professional carpet cleaners have specialized equipment and solutions that can remove tough stains more efficiently and thoroughly. They can also provide advice on how to maintain your carpet post-cleaning, ensuring its longevity.

Removing Red Wine Stains

Red (or white or pink) wine spills sometimes happen. The trick is to act quickly. The longer you wait, the harder it becomes to remove the stain. 

Regardless of the colour of your carpet, begin by immediately blotting (not rubbing) the spill with a clean, dry cloth to try and absorb as much residue from the spill as possible. Add a small amount of cold water to the stain and continue blotting. Continue adding cold water to the spill until most of the wine residue has stopped seeping. 

Once most of the residue from the wine has seeped onto the cloth, there are a few different ways to remove the stain. 

With baking soda: 

  • Create a Baking Soda Paste: Mix three parts baking soda to one part water to create a paste.
  • Apply the Paste: Spread the paste over the stained area. Let it sit until it begins to dry.
  • Vacuum: Once the paste has dried over the stain,it can be vacuumed up, lifting the stain from the fibers of the carpet. 

With vinegar and dish soap: 

  • Mix the Solution: Combine one tablespoon of white vinegar, one tablespoon of dish soap, and two cups of warm water.
  • Blot the Stain: Use a clean cloth to blot the solution onto the stain. Blot frequently with the cloth until the stain is removed. 
  • Rinse: After treating the stain, rinse the area with cold water.
  • Additives: A small amount of lemon juice and dish soap poured directly onto the wine spill can also help to remove the stain. 

With salt: 

  • Cover with Salt: Generously sprinkle salt over the stained area while it’s still wet. The salt should begin to absorb the wine, turning pink. Don’t scrub or blot the salt. 
  • Wait: Leave the salt on the stain for a few hours or until it dries. The salt should begin to crystalize. 
  • Vacuum: vacuum the crystalized salt. 

If these DIY solutions don’t do the trick, you can try over the counter stain removal products. We always recommend doing a patch test on a small part of the carpet before tackling the stain to help make sure the solution doesn’t leave any discolouration. This is especially important for dark carpets. 

Removing Ink & Marker Stains 

Ink and marker spills can be particularly daunting due to their high pigment concentration. For these types of stains, use denatured alcohol to help lift the stain. The quicker you tend to the ink or marker stain, the easier it will be to remove. 

Similar to wine stain removal, begin by blotting the ink or marker stain with a cold water using a cloth. While blotting, make sure not to push the fresh stain into the carpet. 

  • A dry stain will need to be soaked in denatured alcohol for 5-minutes. Only use enough alcohol to cover the stain.
  • After 5 minutes, use a clean cloth to blot the stain. 
  • Repeat the process as needed to lift the stain. Add alcohol, let it soak, and blot. 

If there’s still a few carpet fibers that are stained with ink, soak the stain with the alcohol and use an old toothbrush to rub the alcohol into the carpet. Wait 5-minutes and blot. Repeat as needed.

Removing Pet Accidents

Ideally, you’d want to tackle these stains while they’re still wet. Once the accident dries, the carpet fibers will soak up the odour. 

For pet urine removal: 

  • Soak up as much of the urine as possible using an old towel, newspapers, or paper towels over the stain. Apply pressure to soak up more of the urine. 
  • Mix a solution: 2 cups of vinegar, 2 cups of warm water, and 4 table spoons of baking soda.
  • Soak this solution over the soiled area and let it sit for 5 to 10 minutes. 
  • Blot the stain with a cloth. Continue soaking and blotting as needed. 

For heavier pet stains: 

  • Add baking soda directly on the stain. 
  • Create a solution thats equal parts vinegar and water and pour this onto the stain covered in baking soda.
  • Let this solution set for 5 to 10 minutes. 
  • Blot with the cloth
  • Repeat this process if necessary

In addition to DIY solutions, enzyme-based cleaners can help break down the stain and neutralize odours, and are suitable for both light and dark carpets. These cleaners work by attacking the proteins in the stain.

For pet stains that have already set, consider renting a carpet cleaner. Avoid using steam cleaners to clear the mess, as the heat may permanently stain the carpet. 

Contact our Team 

Some stains can be removed using DIY solutions. Tackling tough carpet stains requires patience, the right approach, and sometimes, professional intervention.

Our team at Calgary Trusted Cleaners provides a professional touch on stubborn carpet stains. Contact us for more information! 

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