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Janitorial Cleaning Made Easy: Your Complete Checklist for a Spotless Facility

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If you’re working on providing a clean and safe environment for your employees, it starts with a janitorial cleaning checklist. 

Having one ensures that all important cleaning tasks get done, nothing gets missed, and the cleaning process is consistent each day. 

The goal of this guide is to provide you with a 24 point janitorial duties checklist to keep everyone on task. 

24 Point Checklist for Janitorial Duties 

The janitorial task list is broken down into six main areas that should receive some form of attention every single day. 


You can often determine the cleanliness of a business operation by it’s bathrooms: 

1. Thoroughly clean and disinfect all toilets and urinals. 

2. Wipe down sinks, counters, and faucets to make them shine. 

3. Restock all essentials like toilet paper, paper towels, and soap. Make sure the bathroom is in working order.

4. Sweep and mop the floors. Make sure to go over with a dry mop to reduce the likelihood of anyone slipping. 

Break Rooms 

The place where employees come to relax in-between shifts can be one of the dirtiest:

5. Wipe down tables, counters, chairs, and appliances. Pay extra close attention to crumbs and coffee rings on tables. 

6. Clean out and sanitize the refrigerator and microwave. No more mystery leftovers or funky smells. 

7. Empty out trash and change bags. 

8. Sweep and mop the floors for a clean, inviting space to relax and recharge. 

Office Area 

A clean and decluttered office can help with efficiency and productivity: 

9. Dust and polish desks, shelves and other surfaces. A little elbow grease goes a long way! 

10. Disinfect high-touch points like door handles, light switches and phones. Germs don’t stand a chance. 

11. Tidy up common areas and conference rooms. First impressions matter to clients and colleagues alike. 

12. Take out the trash and recycling, replacing can liners. No more overflowing waste bins! 


Have you ever walked through a place and your shoes are sticking to the floor? Let’s not have that in your business: 

13. Vacuum all carpets and rugs. Be sure to get into the corners and hard-to-reach areas. 

14. Sweep and mop hard flooring like tile and wood. 

15. Clean doormats and area rugs. Be sure to vacuum under these as well. 

16. Dust and wipe down baseboard and kickplates in common areas, reception, and waiting rooms. 


Sometimes a window is a businesses first impression: 

17. Wipe down window sills and frames. 

18. Clean interior windows and glass with a glass cleaner.

19. Dust and clean all window coverings. You’d be surprised how much dust collects on these. 

20. Spot clean window screens. 

Staircase and Elevators 

These gateways between the outside and the office can get dirty really quick: 

21. Sweep and mop stairs and landings. 

22. Wipe down and disinfect handrails, doorknobs, and elevator buttons. 

23. Vacuum and sweep elevators and area rugs. 

24. Polish metal accents to provide a professional finish. 

Need help with your janitorial cleaning checklist? Click here to learn more! 

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We offer comprehensive cleaning services across Calgary and the surrounding southern Alberta area! We provide residential and commercial cleaning in Airdrie, Bearspaw, Calgary, Chestermere, Cochrane, Okotoks, Priddis, and Strathmore. 

Book online now and discover how we can help your space shine.

Calgary Trusted Cleaners serves Airdrie, Bearspaw, Calgary, Chestermere, Cochrane, Okotoks, Priddis, and Strathmore.

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