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Category: Cleaning Services

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An image of a professional cleaner using a machine to deep clean the seats of many office chairs.

The Difference Between Deep Cleaning & Regular Cleaning

A clean space is not just about aesthetics, it's about creating a haven that nurtures well-being, promotes productivity, and offers peace of mind.  Whether you’re tidying up your home sanctuary or maintaining a professional workspace, understanding the difference between deep cleaning and regular cleaning is essential to choosing the right solution. Both approaches serve unique…
A house cleaner holding a bag of eco-friendly cleaning products

What to Expect from an Eco-Friendly Cleaning Service

Choosing an eco-friendly cleaning service is like choosing a healthier lifestyle for your home. It's not just about having a clean space; it means choosing safer products, healthier living, and a smaller environmental footprint.  These services use sustainable practices and non-toxic solutions to deliver the same sparkling results without the harsh chemicals.  If you've been…
A woman mopping hardwood floors.

The Best Ways to Clean and Care for Hardwood Floors

Hardwood floors add a timeless charm and elegance to any home. However, maintaining their beauty requires proper care and cleaning. To help you keep your hardwood floors looking pristine, Calgary Trusted Cleaners has compiled the best tips and practices, including: Understand your floors Having a daily cleaning routine Weekly and monthly maintenance Deep cleaning and…
A close-up image of a young woman wearing pink gloves deep cleaning a wooden table.

When to Consider Hiring a Professional Cleaning Service

Keeping a clean home can sometimes feel like a full-time job. From scrubbing floors to dusting those hard-to-reach places, it's no wonder many homeowners feel overwhelmed. However, there's no need to stress—if you're starting to feel like you're trapped in a never-ending cycle of non-stop cleaning, it's time to hire a professional cleaning service. Whether…
Cleaning team cleaning a living room

What to Look for in a Professional Cleaning Service

Hiring a professional cleaning service can be a game-changer for both homeowners and businesses alike. Not only does it free up time, but it also ensures that your space is sanitary and well-maintained.  However, with so many cleaning services available, finding the right one for your specific needs can be difficult. Some key factors to…

Find the Cleaning Services You’re Looking For

Our Location & Coverage

We offer comprehensive cleaning services across Calgary and the surrounding southern Alberta area! We provide residential and commercial cleaning in Airdrie, Bearspaw, Calgary, Chestermere, Cochrane, Okotoks, Priddis, and Strathmore. 

Book online now and discover how we can help your space shine.

Calgary Trusted Cleaners serves Airdrie, Bearspaw, Calgary, Chestermere, Cochrane, Okotoks, Priddis, and Strathmore.

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  • Calgary, AB

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