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Allergies, Asthma, & Pets

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Earlier this year, after several months of mysterious ailments, I was diagnosed with an allergy to dogs. I have two beloved fur-children (Maltese Yorkies, supposedly ‘hypoallergenic’ – I’ve since learned there is really no such thing) and before these two I had a purebred Maltese for 10 years, so I was completely shocked at the diagnosis. This allergy had started with allergic rhinitis, which led to nasal polyps, which led to asthma, which revealed itself in a chronic acute cough that had many medical professionals stymied for a very long time. As I was not about to re-home my dogs (pet-lovers will be nodding knowingly, non-pet-lovers will be shaking their heads incredulously), I chose environmental adjustments.

First of all, I called in the professionals and had all my carpets cleaned, my blinds cleaned, and my windows cleaned, inside and out. I bumped up my vacuuming schedule from ‘whenever I couldn’t make out the colour of the carpet’ to ‘daily’. And this is the very hard task – I made my bedroom a ‘no dog zone’. After an insultingly short time, Gracie and Koda seem to have adjusted to the new sleeping arrangements. Better than I have, actually – but I each time I reach down in the middle of the night to find them missing from alongside me, I remind myself that it’s much preferable to the alternative of having to give them up altogether.

Pets are a big part of many Canadian families. Unfortunately, so are allergies and asthma. Keeping our cleaning services Calgary and as free as possible of dust and pet dander go a long way to ensuring a healthy, happy co-existence.

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We offer comprehensive cleaning services across Calgary and the surrounding southern Alberta area! We provide residential and commercial cleaning in Airdrie, Bearspaw, Calgary, Chestermere, Cochrane, Okotoks, Priddis, and Strathmore. 

Book online now and discover how we can help your space shine.

Calgary Trusted Cleaners serves Airdrie, Bearspaw, Calgary, Chestermere, Cochrane, Okotoks, Priddis, and Strathmore.

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  • Calgary, AB

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