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8 Ways to Simplify Post Renovation Cleaning

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Renovating your home can breathe new life into your living space, but it also leaves behind a significant cleaning challenge. Post renovation cleaning is crucial to remove the dust, debris, and dirt that construction work introduces into your home. Here are eight effective strategies to simplify the cleanup process, ensuring your renovated space shines without the stress. 

1. Start with Air Filters 

How to clean after renovation starts with the air. After any renovation project, fine dust can circulate through your air system. Replacing or cleaning air filters is a critical first step to prevent the spread of dust after the work is completed. This helps to ensure that your HVAC system is not redistributing the fine dust throughout your home. 

2. Focus on Dust Removal 

Fine dust is one of the biggest culprits in post-renovation cleanups. Knowing how to clean dust after renovation involves more than just wiping surfaces; it requires a systematic approach to remove dust from every surface, including walls, floors, and even the ceiling. Use a damp cloth or a specialized cleaning solution to capture dust without spreading it further. 

3. Clean Light Fixtures and Ceiling Fans 

Light fixtures and ceiling fans can accumulate a surprising amount of dust during a construction project. Taking the time to carefully clean these areas not only improves the quality of your air but also enhances the overall brightness and freshness of your renovation space. 

4. Deep Cleaning Floors 

Post renovation, floors can be particularly challenging due to the accumulation of debris and fine dust. A thorough vacuuming followed by mopping or a professional deep cleaning can restore the look of your floors, making them a perfect complement to your renovated areas. 

5. Professional Cleaning Services 

For many, the best solution for post construction cleanup is to hire a professional cleaning service. Professional cleaners know how to clean a house after renovation. They have the experience, tools, and techniques to efficiently tackle post renovation cleaning, from dust removal to deep cleaning every nook and cranny of your renovation space. 

6. Address Windows and Window Sills 

Construction work can leave windows grimy and window sills filled with debris. Cleaning these areas not only lets natural light shine through but also prevents dust from being redistributed. A streak-free cleaning solution can make this task easier and more effective. 

7. Update House Cleaning Supplies 

Ensure you have the right tools and cleaning solutions on hand for the specific challenges of renovation cleaning. From microfiber cloths that trap dust to safe cleaning agents that can tackle construction residue, having the right supplies is essential.

8. Schedule Regular Cleanings 

After the initial post construction cleaning services, scheduling regular cleanings can help maintain the cleanliness and beauty of your space. This is especially important in the weeks following a renovation, as dust can continue to settle. 

By following these steps and considering a post renovation cleaning service, you can significantly simplify the cleanup process. Professional cleaning professionals offer invaluable expertise in post construction cleanup, ensuring your newly renovated home is not just beautiful, but also clean and healthy. Save time and enjoy your renovation project to its fullest by opting for professional help or employing these effective cleaning strategies. 

Learn more about our post-construction cleaning services today!

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Calgary Trusted Cleaners serves Airdrie, Bearspaw, Calgary, Chestermere, Cochrane, Okotoks, Priddis, and Strathmore.

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