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5 Things To Do To Keep Your Hardwood Floor Clean

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It can be annoying to find a pile of dirt sitting on the floor after just a day or two without cleaning your room. However, what’s worst is forgetting to clean it for so long that you end up needing professionals to clean up your place. That’s embarrassing, to say the least. Fortunately, that can be easily fixed by maintaining a daily cleaning schedule. 

If you have a room with a hardwood floor, you may know how hard it can be to clean. However, we say otherwise! 

Here are five easy things you can do to keep your hardwood floors squeaky clean throughout the week:

1. Don’t wait to clean

Whenever you spill food or drink or discover any dirt on the floor, don’t wait till “cleaning day” before taking care of it. When you see any dirt on the floor, get to work immediately as it may not even take you more than ten minutes to clean. Be sure that you use the appropriate tools when cleaning—vacuum debris, mop up spilled liquids, or remove stains with the proper cleaning agent.

2. Don’t play with paint on hardwood flooring

If you have any children, make sure that they don’t do it on a hardwood floor. Colours and paint can quickly absorb into the floor, making it extremely tough to clean. Make sure that whatever colouring they need to do, that they do it on another surface that’s easy to clean or, preferably, on a table.

3. Polish the floor once a week

Keep your floors shining every day by applying wood polish once a week. If you don’t have any with you, don’t fret! You can make your own by mixing two tablespoons of olive oil, two cups of water, and one tablespoon of distilled white vinegar. You can also add two tablespoons of lemongrass or any other fragrances to add a pleasant smell. Mix them very well, and you will have yourself an effective homemade polish! Place a bit on a microfiber cloth then wipe the entire floor in circular motions. The vinegar and water will help clean the floor, the oil to shine it, and the lemongrass to add a sweet smell to your living space.

4. Dry mop the floor daily

Cleaning your floor with a dry mop every day will reduce the accumulation of dirt on your floor, and it won’t take too long either—only a few minutes. Schedule some time to do it, such as right before dinner. The dirt will latch onto the mop head and can be easily cleaned.

5. Place foot mats outside and in

If you’re too lazy to put any effort into cleaning your home, at least place a foot mat outside and inside the entrance of your home. By teaching yourself and your kids to wipe your shoes on the mats before entering the house, you reduce the overall amount of dirt entering your home. 

That said, we hope you’ve learned something valuable and practical about cleaning your hardwood floors! Remember, don’t only clean your hardwood floor, but all the floors in your home. Do it not only because it will make your place look clean, but for hygiene’s sake as well.

If you’re looking for a professional cleaning service in the Calgary area, Calgary Trusted Cleaners is your best option. Get in touch with us today to see how we can help.

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Calgary Trusted Cleaners serves Airdrie, Bearspaw, Calgary, Chestermere, Cochrane, Okotoks, Priddis, and Strathmore.

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