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4 Ways to Make the Most of a Airbnb Cleaning Service

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Being a host for an Airbnb apartment or house can be one of the best ways to earn money on top of your regular job. However, you should keep in mind that it’s never as simple as you’d think, as you will have to put time and energy into dealing with your guests and making sure that they are happy and satisfied. 

One of the most crucial elements of your property is the cleanliness, as that will have an immense impact on the satisfaction of your guests. As you may imagine, cleaning your property from top to bottom can be a time-consuming process and it’s understandable that you may not have that kind of time and energy. Working with a professional cleaning service to reduce the work required to take care of the property is a great option available to you. With that said, here are four tips on how you can work with your Airbnb cleaning service:

1. Don’t book a cleaning schedule while your guest is still there

This is by far the most essential tip you have to keep in mind, as it’s never a good idea to book a cleaning service to clean while your guest is still there. Not only does this show a high-level of unprofessionalism, but it’s also a rude thing to do. 

Therefore, the best time to have the cleaning service to come in is between guest bookings, as that will ensure that the cleaning service has all the time they need to carry out the necessary work. They won’t have to rush the cleaning process as the property won’t be scheduled to be rented out any time soon. Your cleaners will be able to take their time and do a good job.

2. Book a deep cleaning service every year

There’s a difference between the regular cleaning process and specialized deep cleaning. The latter will do more than just wiping the table and sweeping the floors, as their work involves sanitizing the entire property. They will go through all the nooks and crannies in your home to make sure that everything is dust and germ-free.

These types of cleaning processes are much more costly than your regular cleaning services, so it’s best that you do it during the low season so that your property is ready for the time when guests start to pour in.

3. Fill the toiletry stock

While this may not be the responsibility of the cleaning service, it’s something that you should keep an eye out for. The toiletries are the most essential supply of your property, so you need to make sure that you have a stock of it in the house so that you won’t have to buy it every time new guests are coming in.

You can talk to your cleaning service and ask them to check the toiletries stock for you and fill it for you if necessary. This will reduce the work required on your part, which can help to make the work process much more convenient.

4. Tell them to fill you in on any damage

Another thing that you can ask your cleaning service to do for you is to check for any type of damage. While it’s still crucial that you come in and check it for yourself from time to time, having your cleaning service report any noticeable damage to you is a great way to stay on top of things. This way, you can talk to your tenant about whether or not the damage was something they did and start looking for evidence. While it may be hard to judge whether the damage was caused by the tenant or the cleaning team, most of the time, a reputable company won’t hide their mistakes as they would already have insurance to cover those costs.

If you’re looking for an AirBnB cleaning service in Calgary, get in touch with us today for a quotation.

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We offer comprehensive cleaning services across Calgary and the surrounding southern Alberta area! We provide residential and commercial cleaning in Airdrie, Bearspaw, Calgary, Chestermere, Cochrane, Okotoks, Priddis, and Strathmore. 

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Calgary Trusted Cleaners serves Airdrie, Bearspaw, Calgary, Chestermere, Cochrane, Okotoks, Priddis, and Strathmore.

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